Welcome to All is Full of Books!

Welcome to my blog for all things books, with thoughts on what I am reading, my ever-expanding TBR, and the all important book reviews. It’s been nearly a year since I started this blog and it has helped me to fall in love with reading again!

I look forward to sharing with you and hope you will enjoy my musings and reviews.

Review: Babel by R.F. Kuang

Following the death of his mother, a young boy is taken from Canton, China, by Robert Lovell, an Oxford professor, who tasks the boy with picking a name for himself. The newly named Robin Swift arrives in England where he lives with Professor Lovell and receives an education that prepares him for entry into the…

23 books for 2023

Back in January I jumped on the ‘23 for 2023’ bandwagon and trawled my TBR shelves to come up with this list. I didn’t have any specific criteria in mind, but ended up going for either books that have been on my TBR for a while, or books that I bought excitedly when they were…


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